Leadership development.
Liberty Kids is a fun, spirit filled and safe environment for your child with the programmes specifically designed to suit all age groups. We are focused on building strong disciples from a young age.
The kids get to know God, hear from God, become more like God and influence their generation. Our Liberty Kids leaders create a safe, fun and spirit filled atmosphere for our kids to enjoy and grow in.
If you would like to know anything further about our Liberty Kids church programmes please contact our church office.
office@libertychurch.co.nz | 07 307 1055


Mums and bubs
0 - 3 year olds
We have two rooms at the back of the auditorium for our Mums and Bubs, one for feeding and the other for play. The rooms are set up so that you can see the service happening and the play room is equipped with a sound system so that you can hear the service.

3 - 6 year olds
Our Sonbeams room has amazing leaders who care for the kids. The children enjoy learning about Jesus and the bible, while having fun with toys, trampoline, and sandpit
Helen And Ken Habgood

6 - 11 year olds
Our Ignite leaders are full of life and passion, who love God and the kids. Our Ignite kids learn about God, prayer, play fun games inside and out and enjoy doing crafts.
Aaron & Kerryanne Dalgleish

Next level
11 - 14 year olds
We have incredible leaders who love these kids and inspire them to know and love God. This is a place where there is high activity and games with discussion and learning about Jesus.
Becs and Glen Ferguson