Reaching far and wide.
We financially support a number of people who are out there making a difference in their place of influence both locally and internationally. You can also partner with them by giving a financial blessing that will help enable them to do the ministry they are called to do.
We support Open Doors, World Vision, World Outreach, Asia Harvest and many other organisations along with the local and international missions and missionaries listed below.
If you would like to regularly tithe, or give a one off donation to support anyone of the missions mentioned or featured below, you can set up regular or one off payments online.

Local Missions.
Taste and See
We have regular cooking days where we make, package and freeze pre-cooked meals that can be taken to those in need. This is a way we can reach out into our church community and local community, so that the recipients know that people care and that they can taste and see that the Lord is good.
Christmas Boxes
Operation Christmas Child (OCC) partners with local churches in developing nations to provide children with gift-filled shoeboxes while bringing the Good News of Jesus Christ to them at Christmas time. As a church we provide the opportunity to fill a box or give a financial contribution to OCC.
Church in the Park
Church in the Park is a community event held every year on the first Sunday of March, celebrating International Childrens Day. We combine with other local churches and head down to Rex Morpeth Park for a free, fun and family gala day, with candy floss, bouncy castles, gala games and so much more.
Liberty Centre
The Liberty Centre is a 400 seater auditoruim, with a second auditorium and lots of different spaces and rooms. It is used for many church activities and also community events, including hire-ages, funerals and groups. We believe our awesome facility is a vessel of blessing for our community and our church.

Daz Chettle
Daz is an increasingly sought after itinerant evangelist from Christchurch NZ, who doesn't just want to inspire people with his stories, but he wants to spur them into action! He is fearless, inspiring, and challenging, and God is using him powerfully as he walks in close relationship with Him.
In 2018 Daz stepped out into full-time ministry, preaching the Gospel internationally and training the body of Christ in personal evangelism. Daz comes to Liberty every year to speak at our youth Young and Hungry event. He is the New Life Churches evangelist pastor.

Bruce McDonald
Bruce McDonald has been a Church Pastor for many years and is now a travelling itinerant pastor and the founder of LIFT Ministries Trust. Life ministries trust is dedicated to: Lift people through clear biblical teaching.
Lift leaders through personal inspiration and mentoring, conference speaking and leadership. Lift churches through bible teaching and seminars. Lift families to greater freedom both financially and relationally.

Evan and Maala Thomas
Evan Thomas is a Jew, born in New Zealand. Evan Thomas has served since 1979 as the pastor of the Messianic Congregation, “Beit Asaph” in the coastal city of Netanya, Israel. Evan and his wife, Maala emigrated from New Zealand in 1983 and are blessed with a daughter, Sara. Evan is a Messianic Jew with a vision of salvation for his people Israel, both in the Land and throughout the world.
Evan and Maala enjoy coming to stay in their home in Whakatane two months every year and we look forward to having them speak at Liberty.

Lorraine Dierck set off from New Zealand 50 years ago with the heart for every Thai child to hear the gospel. God opened so many doors, and with a team, they ran one hour gospel programmes in schools, including puppets, stories and song about Jesus. Hundreds of thousands of Thai children have heard the message about the good news of salvation through Jesus in their schools.
Lorraine Dierck is now back in New Zealand, but she has many spiritual children and grandchildren who continue the ministry in Thailand. John and Nok evangelise and disciple Thai buddhists who are becoming believers in Jesus Christ. Prasert often visits slum communities and tells them about Jesus. She began the first House of Hope which is a safe space to support children.

George Nsamba
George Nsamba has been leading Elim Church Kwanda in Uganda for many years, along with his wife Beatrice. They develop schools and do a lot of outreach into the community with young people, the poor and the elderly. George is a strong bible teacher who operates powerfully in the prophetic, miracle healings and deliverance.
George is an anointed minister and leader both regionally and nationally where he is Bishop of the Elim churches of Uganda, involving approximately 1400 Elim churches. George also travels and ministers internationally, including Liberty church, New Zealand!

Bevan Mathews
Bevan is a part of Liberty Church and has been in Liberty since 1979. Bevan's late parents Ted and Maureen Mathews were elders in Liberty Church before being sent out to Pastor an associated church.
Bevan is currently living by faith and is an International Itinerant Minister of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Bevan is often heading out into the nations and ministering to thousands, seeing incredible miracles, signs, wonders and healings. Bevan is also a part of many online gobal platforms where he preaches and reaches many lives.