Power and purpose.
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Prayer is an essential part of Liberty Church, we know that there is so much power and purpose in a praying church. We have several prayer groups that meet regularly to pray together, see them all listed below.
If you have a specific prayer need, please fill out our contact form and we will reach out to our church community to pray for you.


Thursdays 6.30am - 7.15am
We start with worship and then have a powerful time of prayer. For those who are available, we finish with coffee at a local Cafe.
Pastor Grant Bateson

Tuesdays 12pm - 1pm
We meet during the term time. We start with a time of worship and then spend the rest of the hour in prayer together.
Pastor Abby Bateson
027 308 7041 | Liberty Church

Sundays 9am - 9.20am
Prior to our church service commencing we meet for a time of prayer with the worship team, leaders and anyone who would like to join us.
Pastor Abby Bateson
027 308 7041 | Liberty Church

21 Days
At the start of every year, as a church we join together in 21 days of prayer and fasting. This is an incredible opportunity and time to seek God and partner with Him. During this time we commit to giving God our plans and purposes for the year. We assign prayer points and scriptures for every day and throughout this time we have seen many answered prayers and miracles happen.
For the last 7 days of our 21 days we commit to praying for 24 hours, with every hour time slot taken by someone in the congregation. The congregation is encouraged to fast during the 21 days, which looks different for everyone, as they decide in their own heart what they feel God is directing them to fast.